amino::Runnable Class Reference

#include <thread.h>

Inheritance diagram for amino::Runnable:

amino::CallStdAccumulate< iteratorT, T > amino::CallStdAccumulate_Func< iteratorT, T, FuncT > amino::CallStdForEach< iteratorT, FuncT > amino::CallStdTransformBinary< InputIterator1, InputIterator2, OutputIterator, BinaryFunction > amino::CallStdTransformUnary< InputIterator, OutputIterator, UnaryFunction > amino::FutureTask amino::MergerTask< _merger, rand_access_iter > amino::SortTask< _sort, rand_access_iter > amino::Thread test::Accumulate test::Accumulate test::DoNothing test::Wait6S

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void * run ()=0
virtual ~Runnable ()

Detailed Description

This class is used as the root of all runnable class. And it should be copiable since Executor will duplicate it.

This class should not be used unless using executor framework.
Function object should be used in order to be compatible with C++ 0X standard.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual amino::Runnable::~Runnable (  )  [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void* amino::Runnable::run (  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in amino::CallStdAccumulate< iteratorT, T >, amino::CallStdAccumulate_Func< iteratorT, T, FuncT >, amino::CallStdForEach< iteratorT, FuncT >, amino::FutureTask, amino::SortTask< _sort, rand_access_iter >, amino::MergerTask< _merger, rand_access_iter >, amino::Thread, amino::CallStdTransformUnary< InputIterator, OutputIterator, UnaryFunction >, amino::CallStdTransformBinary< InputIterator1, InputIterator2, OutputIterator, BinaryFunction >, test::ConditionThread, test::LockThread, test::RecursiveLockThread, test::MutexThread, test::RecursiveMutexThread, ThreadMath< ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::Thread4Dir< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadPushRight< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::TakeThread< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::PushThread< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::Thread4Dir< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::Thread4Dir< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadPushRight< DequeType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadInsert< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadDeleteKey< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadDeleteValue< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadFindValue< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadFindKey< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::DoNothing, test::Accumulate, test::Wait6S, test::Accumulate, test::ThreadInsert< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadInsert< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadPush_front< ListType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadRemove< ListType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadEnqueue< QueueType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadDequeue< QueueType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadEnqueue< QueueType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadDequeue< QueueType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadInsert< DictType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadRemove< ListType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, test::ThreadPush< TestType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >, and test::ThreadPop< TestType, ParaType, CLASS_NAME >.

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Generated on Tue Dec 9 13:39:40 2008 for Amino by  doxygen 1.5.6