Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
org.amino.alg.graph Interfaces and classes to implement a parallel graph algorithm. 
org.amino.ds.graph Interfaces and classes to implement a parallel graph data structure. 

Uses of Node in org.amino.alg.graph

Methods in org.amino.alg.graph that return types with arguments of type Node
<E> java.util.Collection<java.util.Collection<Node<E>>>
GraphAlg.getConnectedComponents(UndirectedGraph<E> graph, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService threadPool)
          parallel Connected Component algorithm based on [Steve Goddard 1996].
<E> java.util.Collection<java.util.Collection<Node<E>>>
GraphAlg.getStrongComponents(DirectedGraph<E> graph, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService threadPool)
          Parallel Strong Connected Component algorithm based on [LK Fleischer2000].

Methods in org.amino.alg.graph with parameters of type Node
<E> double
GraphAlg.getShortestPath(Graph<E> graph, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService exec, Node<E> source, Node<E> end)
          This is an implementation of a parallelization of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm described by Crauser, Mehlhorn, Meyer and Sanders in their paper "A Parallelization of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm" in 23rd Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 1998.
<E> double
GraphAlg.getShortestPath(Graph<E> graph, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService exec, Node<E> source, Node<E> end)
          This is an implementation of a parallelization of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm described by Crauser, Mehlhorn, Meyer and Sanders in their paper "A Parallelization of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm" in 23rd Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 1998.

Uses of Node in org.amino.ds.graph

Methods in org.amino.ds.graph that return Node
 Node<E> Graph.addNode(E e)
          Add a node to graph, which contains value e.
 Node<E> AbstractGraph.addNode(E e)
          Add a node to graph, which contains value e.
 Node<E> Graph.addNode(Node<E> node)
          Add a node to graph, which contains value e.
 Node<E> AbstractGraph.addNode(Node<E> node)
          Add a node to graph, which contains value e.
 Node<E> Edge.getEnd()
 Node<E> AdjacentList.getHeadNode()
 Node<E> AdjacentNode.getNode()
 Node<E> Edge.getStart()

Methods in org.amino.ds.graph that return types with arguments of type Node
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> Graph.getAllNodes()
          get all the nodes in the graph.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> AbstractGraph.getAllNodes()
          get all the nodes in the graph.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraph.getDestinations(Node<E> start)
          Get nodes started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getDestinations(Node<E> node)
          Get nodes started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> Graph.getNodes(E e)
          get all nodes whose value equal to e.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> AbstractGraph.getNodes(E e)
          get all nodes whose value equal to e.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraph.getSources(Node<E> end)
          Get nodes end with end node.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getSources(Node<E> node)
          Get nodes end with end node.

Methods in org.amino.ds.graph with parameters of type Node
 boolean AdjacentList.addEdge(Node<E> node, double weight)
          add a edge into this adjacent list, with specified node and weight.
 boolean Graph.addEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          add one edge to graph with weight.
 boolean Graph.addEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          add one edge to graph with weight.
 boolean UndirectedGraph.addEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          add one edge to graph with weight.
 boolean UndirectedGraph.addEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          add one edge to graph with weight.
 boolean DirectedGraphImpl.addEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          add one edge to graph with weight.
 boolean DirectedGraphImpl.addEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          add one edge to graph with weight.
 Node<E> Graph.addNode(Node<E> node)
          Add a node to graph, which contains value e.
 Node<E> AbstractGraph.addNode(Node<E> node)
          Add a node to graph, which contains value e.
 int Node.compareTo(Node<E> o)
 boolean AdjacentList.containsEdge(Node<E> e)
          finds whether the head node of this adjacent list links to the specified node e.
 boolean Graph.containsNode(Node<E> start)
          whether this graph contains the specified node.
 boolean AbstractGraph.containsNode(Node<E> node)
          Judge if node is contained in graph.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraph.getDestinations(Node<E> start)
          Get nodes started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getDestinations(Node<E> node)
          Get nodes started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> AdjacentList.getEdge(Node<E> n)
          return all the edge linked to node n.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> Graph.getEdges(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          get all all the edges which start from node start and end with node end.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> Graph.getEdges(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          get all all the edges which start from node start and end with node end.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> AbstractGraph.getEdges(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          get all all the edges which start from node start and end with node end.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> AbstractGraph.getEdges(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          get all all the edges which start from node start and end with node end.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> DirectedGraph.getIncoming(Node<E> node)
          Get edges ended with end node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getIncoming(Node<E> node)
          Get edges ended with end node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> Graph.getLinkedEdges(Node<E> node)
          get all edges directly linked to the specified node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> AbstractGraph.getLinkedEdges(Node<E> node)
          get all edges directly linked to the specified node.
 java.util.Collection<AdjacentNode<E>> Graph.getLinkedNodes(Node<E> node)
          get all nodes which directly linked to node.
 java.util.Collection<AdjacentNode<E>> AbstractGraph.getLinkedNodes(Node<E> node)
          get all nodes which directly linked to node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> DirectedGraph.getOutgoing(Node<E> node)
          Get edges started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<Edge<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getOutgoing(Node<E> node)
          Get edges started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraph.getSources(Node<E> end)
          Get nodes end with end node.
 java.util.Collection<Node<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getSources(Node<E> node)
          Get nodes end with end node.
 java.util.Collection<AdjacentNode<E>> DirectedGraph.getWeightDestinations(Node<E> start)
          Get weighted edges started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<AdjacentNode<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getWeightDestinations(Node<E> start)
          Get weighted edges started with start node.
 java.util.Collection<AdjacentNode<E>> DirectedGraph.getWeightSources(Node<E> end)
          Get weighted edges ended with end node.
 java.util.Collection<AdjacentNode<E>> DirectedGraphImpl.getWeightSources(Node<E> end)
          Get weighted edges ended with end node.
 boolean AdjacentList.removeEdge(Node<E> n)
          remove all edges connected to specified node.
 boolean Graph.removeEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          remove all the edges which start from start and end to end.
 boolean Graph.removeEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          remove all the edges which start from start and end to end.
 boolean UndirectedGraph.removeEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          remove all the edges which start from start and end to end.
 boolean UndirectedGraph.removeEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          remove all the edges which start from start and end to end.
 boolean DirectedGraphImpl.removeEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          remove all the edges which start from start and end to end.
 boolean DirectedGraphImpl.removeEdge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          remove all the edges which start from start and end to end.
 boolean Graph.removeNode(Node<E> node)
          remove the node from the graph.
 boolean AbstractGraph.removeNode(Node<E> node)
          remove the node from the graph.
 boolean UndirectedGraph.removeNode(Node<E> node)
          remove the node from the graph.
 boolean DirectedGraphImpl.removeNode(Node<E> node)
          remove the node from the graph.

Method parameters in org.amino.ds.graph with type arguments of type Node
 boolean Graph.addAllNodes(java.util.Collection<Node<E>> nodes)
          add all the nodes to graph.
 boolean AbstractGraph.addAllNodes(java.util.Collection<Node<E>> nodes)
          add all the nodes to graph.

Constructors in org.amino.ds.graph with parameters of type Node
AdjacentList(Node<E> head)
          Constructs an adjacent list with specified node as the head node.
AdjacentNode(Node<E> node, double weight)
          Constructs an adjacent node, with specified node and weight.
Edge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          Constructor an edge with default edge 1.
Edge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
          Constructor an edge with default edge 1.
Edge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          Construct an edge with weight.
Edge(Node<E> start, Node<E> end, double weight)
          Construct an edge with weight.

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