include/amino/accumulate.h File Reference

#include <numeric>
#include <amino/thread.h>
#include <amino/ftask.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  amino


class  amino::CallStdAccumulate< iteratorT, T >
class  amino::CallStdAccumulate_Func< iteratorT, T, FuncT >


template<typename iteratorT, typename T, typename Executor>
amino::accumulate (Executor exec, iteratorT first, iteratorT last)
template<typename iteratorT, typename FuncT, typename T, typename Executor>
amino::accumulate (Executor exec, iteratorT first, iteratorT last, FuncT func)
template<typename iteratorT, typename T, typename Executor>
amino::accumulate (Executor &exec, int threadNum, iteratorT first, iteratorT last)
template<typename iteratorT, typename T, typename FuncT, typename Executor>
amino::accumulate (Executor &exec, int threadNum, iteratorT first, iteratorT last, FuncT func)

Generated on Tue Dec 9 13:39:39 2008 for Amino by  doxygen 1.5.6